
Boston//Shepard Fairey

So for spring break I chose to go to Boston for some reason... my boyfriend and I will be staying in a hostel for the week and will try to go and see as much as possible while we are there.  Although I've already been reallly excited, I am now 10 times more because I recently found out that Shepard Fairey is having an exhibit that will be on at the ICABoston while I'm there. I love all of his stuff, and I am sooooo excited that I am going to be able to see it! Plus, on Thursdays they have free admission... :)


LF said...

Shepard Fairy was arrested on the opening night of this exhibit.

A fan? Check this out:
Even more interesting along the lines of a lawsuit sparked by Shepard Fairey by using a photo of Obama without the photographers permission to create well-known portraits of Obama. The issue boils down to what qualifies as "fair use".

Lots of great points here. Plus its a great design blog that anyone who loves great design and good music would want to follow.

Go Here: http://blog.iso50.com/2009/02/06/ap-sues-shepard-fairey/

But I thought this was a good debate that is starting to get some interesting responses from many artists who are either with or against Shepard Fairey. Once ALL the facts are known...what will be YOUR take on the subject matter of stealing, borrowing, plagiarizing, or just being inspired. How far do you have to take another piece away from its original origins before some one starts screaming that your a plageristic thief.

I like Shepard Fairey...but I just don't believe him when he claims to not have made any money off of his Obama pieces. He has profited by getting booked on tv shows and he has done a few private paintings for some wealthy folks on the side to hang in their house...not to mention all the posters, stickers, buttons,hats,etc .. he is getting paid....I think he SHOULD get paid...but just admitt it.

Shivani said...

Yeah, I heard about him getting arrested and then AP trying to sue him. I don't agree at all with them wanting to take legal action... I believe he is in no way copying their image or using it in a copyright-offensive way. He was inspired by their picture and used it as a guide for his own artwork. The fact that it took them forever to track down the exact image he used says something as well.

I don't know if I believe whether he is getting paid or not... I know the money from the original prints was going towards the campaign, but I haven't really heard about anything else.

One of the things I find to be an interesting issue is the fact that he is a graffiti artist who is now displaying his work in a huge museum. We discussed this at the Graffiti talk in the GSU gallery the other day, and one of the graffiti artists was saying that he could never imagine having his work on display like that... that it took away from the whole original meaning behind it.

But either way, from an art and design view, i think his work is aesthetically very cool :) and thanks for that link!

Sam Reaves said...

Love his activist work. I'm a little envious about you getting to see a whole exhibit! Enjoy it, Shivani!

Sam Reaves said...

About the lawsuit, I think it will boil down to legality of making money from the promotion of this "illegal" picture, or that he didn't profit from the actual image. Either way -- I hope he stays away from punishment because he in no way intended to steal anything. And did he really steal anything?