
on the way

So I'm on the bus on the way to richmond.... typing this on my crappy little cellphone. We're a couple hours away, and it's been a long drive so far... we left at 5am this morning. I'm so excited for tomorrow! We have to leave the hotel tomorrow at 3am and the bus will take us to a train station to get to DC. So far in north carolina and in virginia it doesn't seem to cold yet.. But I'm sure it'll get worse. We just made a stop a little ways back so we got some hand warmers =)

But... as far as graphic design I'm definitely going to work on some more skecthes in my down time tonight for rockstar gold records and see if I can come up with any cool ideas that I like. I'm also really excited to see all of the obama merchandise they will be selling tomorrow. I definitely want to buy a cool designed poster or something like that.

I hope everyone is having luck in finding the right places to do and coming up with some great ideas!


stan anderson said...

Have a great trip! I didn't know you were heading to the Inauguration. Bring me back a button! You are in the midst of history so take it all in. Be safe.

Tres Swygert said...

I hope you enjoyed your time in D.C. Shivani, I know I did! LOL :) Hope the travel back was a good one too. See ya in class! ;)

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